Devotional Witchcraft 101 – So How do You DO Magic?

These are the general steps I go through before actually doing a Big Ol’ Spell.  (I differentiate between “formal” spells and little magic like hanging herbs by your window or infusing food with happy feelings, since those don’t require a lot in terms of planning and usually don’t require a Circle.)

1. Purpose

When I decide I want to work a spell for something, I start out with defining what it is I really want.  For example, do I need fast money for current circumstances, or am I thinking more long-term like new income streams, a new job, et cetera?  The answer might be “both,” but I’ve always found it way more effective to deal with one need or desire at a time so I’m not splitting my focus.  

For me at least the ethical considerations are very important.  I consider decreasing the suffering in the world one of my highest aims, and I do that primarily through my vegan practice, but when I am planning magic I consider who stands to get hurt by my getting my way.  Most normal magical purposes are pretty benign, but you want to be sure that the way your desires come to be doesn’t involve, say, your favorite uncle kicking the bucket and leaving you $50,000.  

It  is absolutely impossible to be a living thing and not destroy other things.  But I can still consider who and what is affected by my actions and whether those consequences are okay with my conscience.  In the end, though, I can’t see everything that could happen; I have to do the best I can with what I know and be sure to ask for a positive outcome for everyone involved.

2.  Oracle

Once I think I know what I want/need, I go to the Tarot or another oracle.  I need to get in touch with my subconscious as well as any larger energies that want me to know something.  I don’t have a specific reading I always use, but I tend to ask what is underneath my desire, anything else I need to be aware of, and any symbols or imagery I could use.  Sometimes  the reading totally changes what I intend to do, and sometimes it even stops me from doing anything.  But usually by the time I’m done I have a pretty good working plan.  If I don’t, I go to:

3.  Element

I like to break down subject matter as well as action by element.  There are certain types of magical actions that correspond well to a particular element, and certainly most desires do.    My basic breakdown is:

  • Earth – Money, physical health, security (Symbolic actions include: Burying things, planting things)
  • Air – Communication, Study, Legalities, Tech stuff  (Releasing things into the wind, incense magic)
  • Fire – Banishing, Creativity, Transformation, Red Hot Monkey Lovin’  (Burning stuff or soaking in the sunlight)
  • Water – Emotional healing,  Swoony heart-eyes Love,  Emotional healing, Mental health  (Indrinking, bathing, potions and oils, releasing things into running water/the sea )

4. Timing

Much hay is made about when to do magic – by lunar cycles?  By astrological alignment?  According to days of the week?  I say whatever means the most to you.  I generally go with the moon cycles, but remember:  These are just influences, like many others.  Personally I feel that since the Moon has been shown to affect the tides, and I’m made up of 90something percent water, then the Moon is a close enough influence for me to try and work with, not against.   There are times that don’t lend themselves well to most forms of magic (Mercury Retrograde comes to mind) but if that whole concept is silly to you, never mind it!  

5. Outline

Now, I write out the spell, or at least the steps, in order and then go back in and add details where they are needed.  I make a list of tools and ingredients (don’t forget a lighter).  I consider wording for the thing.  Normally I make it up as I go along, but if you find that tedious or scary you can always go online or in books to find already-written spells for your intention that have good wording…that is if you don’t mind rhyming couplets and people using the word “boon” because it rhymes with “moon.” 

I can’t get past that for some reason. Nobody says “boon.”

5. Do the Thing

Yeah, so…now we do the thing.  Gather ingredients, create/invoke sacred space in whatever way you prefer (we’ll talk more about this later, it’s too much to include here), and perform the magical operation you have planned.  

A lot of Witches refuse to discuss their spellwork beyond the Circle, believing that talking about it blunts the effect.  I generally don’t say much because I don’t want people asking me “So how’s that healing spell going?   Has the rash cleared up yet?”  I prefer to keep recent or ongoing work close to the vest, but I’m usually happy to talk about stuff I’ve done in the past.  

That can be really helpful, especially if you do something magical and it doesn’t work.  Talking about it might help you figure out why, or ways to change things and try again.  Every spell affects the Web in some way, but it might not be in a way that directly benefits you.  Sometimes you need to sharpen your focus and have another go.

6. Act in Accordance With Your Spell

You would think this would be a no-brainer, but it tends to be the part people neglect the most.  It has been my experience that “manifesting” things out of thin air doesn’t work as well as doing the mystical and then doing the practical.  At the very least, you want your spell to affect your outlook on the subject.  Inner work is important too, but just be sure and send the email, call the recruiter, curb your spending, actually leave the house…and so on.