State of the Author

I’m not really sure what kind of writer I am these days.

You might know that up until recently I’ve been dealing with a depressive…episode? I’m not sure what to call something that lasts more than five years. During this half a decade it felt like all the things I recognized about myself from my early 30s just sort of…stopped. Spirituality. Dancing. Blogging. Anything that used to matter to me – anything I used to write about! – stopped mattering.

In the last half of 2019 and the first bit of 2020 things started getting better. There were three primary driving forces, though I have no idea if any one was more influential than the others. First, I started attending a Unitarian Universalist church a year ago, and my growing involvement with it started pulling me out of my cave, pushing me to make friends, to join in the world again. Second, I started meditating and studying tarot again, which along with church drew me back to my spiritual life. And third, I got on a combination of psych meds that WORKS. Having been on over two dozen meds and combinations of meds in the last 22 years I had about given up on anything better than baseline survival punctuated with the occasional week or two of high functioning before the inevitable, and despair-inducing, slide back into the pit. Now I measure my days from a baseline of “not bad” instead of just “alive.”

I joined church teams, I contemplated doing YouTube videos. I redid my website yet again with a fresher look. I was developing a social life again, being brave again, testing my edges.

Enter COVID-19.

As I said in my last post I am very lucky. I am not currently in danger of losing my job. I don’t have to parent during all this. I have plenty to eat and a world of entertainment at my fingertips. While I have health issues none of them really put me at greater risk for serious complications should I come down with La Rona. Aside from my student loans (LOL) all my bills are paid and I have health insurance. I can work from home pretty easily and it’s actually been kind of nice, although I miss daily interactions with my team.

When it comes to my greater work, though – by which I mean writing – I have no idea what to do with myself.

I was in the middle of a LGBTQ romance novel about werewolves that I was already growing frustrated with; I have no desire to work on it. I abandoned the fourth…fifth? attempt at starting Shadow World 8. The nonfiction project I was outlining has about as much appeal as a finger in the eye right now.

And yes, I know I don’t have to do anything. It’s not about productivity, in this case, it’s that writing is in my blood and I haven’t been letting my blood speak. I feel itchy on the inside when I’m not writing. But even before all this craziness I was in a weird place where I just…don’t know what kind of writer I am anymore.

I feel like I’m no longer on the path I was before this bout of depression started, and what started it was, largely, disillusionment over my writing career that cascaded into a ditch full of shit. So trying to write the kinds of things I used to seems a bit regressive.

(Do not take this as an indicator that I’m abandoning the Shadow World series, I am absolutely not. But no, I have no idea whatsoever when book 8 will be out, sorry guys.)

It’s easy to say “write what you want to write,” or “write what you wish you could read,” or any of the zillion other bits of helpful advice (that was sarcasm) people love to give writers. I’ve never been a Morning Pages, writing “practice” kind of gal. Writing and I have a relationship that I think ensures I’ll never be Stephen King and churn out an entire book a year. The mere thought makes me want to autodefenestrate. I think it also means I’ll never be able to get by without a day job.

I guess I’m having something of a creative identity crisis.

Not knowing what to say, how to be of service, what I need to express, or where I want to go, the obvious solution was to start blogging again, hahaha. I’m hoping to keep this up, and it’ll likely be kind of random both in frequency and subject matter (so really not all that different from Before). Right now I feel like I need to both chronicle my weird internal spooling and my experience of the world as much as I can.

So welcome back, friends, and thanks for still being here. Hope you’ll stick around. Should be weird.

5 thoughts on “State of the Author

  1. Amy says:

    Truthfully, you’ve never written anything that I haven’t wanted to read. You’re writing has had a huge positive impact on me personally. I’m not too worried about what kind of writer you’ll end up being or what the subject matter is. I’m pretty sure it’ll be just what I want to read, whatever it is! 🤷‍♀️

  2. Ellie says:

    I have very little useful to say, being largely in the same writerly boat as you, but I am very here for whatever you choose to do (or not do). You know where to find me if you’d like some commiseration. <3

    Also, I feel it's my fellow-spiritual-nomad duty to say YAY for noticing the uptick in your heart as you started attending UU services. I know it's a bummer to suddenly stop, but God knows what's up and will use this time to grow even cooler new things in you. Keep sitting! <3

    • Dianne Sylvan says:

      I don’t do Twitter anymore either – there are people there I really miss but it’s to hard on my mental health. I’m over on Facebook though.

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